40BK 連續式顆粒包裝機
40BK 連續式顆粒包裝機
40 continuous granule packing machine
1. It is applicable to the packaging of small particles such as instant noodles, soup bag, desiccant, powder, broken tea, etc
2. It can automatically complete bag making, measuring, filling, sealing, cutting, counting and other functions
3. This machine adopts touch screen operation PLC to control the change of bag length without changing gear
4包裝容量3 - 40 g 1.6 ~ 33ml
4 packaging capacity 3 - 40 g 1.6 - 33 ml
5包裝速度每分鐘 40 - 80 包視物料特性而定
5 packaging speed 40-80 packages per minute depending on material characteristics
6封口形式三邊封口 背封長條
6 sealing form three side sealing three side sealing
7制袋尺寸 長40 - 110 (mm)
7 bag size 40 - 110 (mm)
寬30 - 80 (mm) 特殊尺寸訂做
Width 30 - 80 (mm) special size customized
8電源220V/ 50Hz /1.5KW
8 power supply 220V / 50Hz / 1.5kw
9整機重量約 320 Kg
9. Operating weight: about 320 kg
10 boundary dimension 900 * 750 * 1750 (mm)